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Full Version: Asus n61Ja bios update problem
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I wanted to update the bios, with an official bios update, from version 207 to 211. I didn't use winflash, I used easyflash in the bios. Everything seemed to be going okay; it deleted the old files, wrote the new ones, verified the new ones. Then it said: shutdown in/after 2 seconds and it shut down. Then nothing happened anymore. Power button completely unresponsive. The battery light was still on, and I'm not sure if I should've just waited... I didn't though, I thought I had to remove the battery, take the power off completely to be able to start it up again.

So I'm wondering: what are my options here? My warranty expired and I don't really have the money to send it in and pay hundreds of bucks on repairs.

Is there anything I can try? CMOS battery reset? Anything???

Please help me out! I would be very grateful Smile

ps. What was sort of odd btw, was that easyflash said something like that it was an unsigned bios and if I wanted to flash it anymore, if i wanted to 'force' it or something. It was with 100% certainty the correct update from the support site, so I didn't take that 'warning' seriously.

pps. downloaded the bios from there ;p

ppps. I know I shouldn't have tried to update my bios. don't try to fix it if it's not broken and all that.. but I got overexcited trying to tweak my pc and I figured since I'd flashed plenty of pcs in the past and had never had any problems before it wouldn't be a problem... wish I hadnt tho =(