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Looking for Unlocked menus for Acer Aspire V3-771G-9875

Not sure if it'll work, but my ultimate goal is for BIOS to recognize my mSATA drive I've installed and put it in the boot sequence.

BIOS link: Click Here
BIOS Menu Screenshot: Click Here

Thanks in Advance!

i remake this request after reading postit ... Angel

So ... somebody can unlock these bioses ? or explain me how to do ? :

EFI Bios v1.12 :


or UEFI bios v2.12 :


Screens of v1.12 :

[Image: 20121207_190455.jpg]

[Image: 20121207_190618.jpg]

[Image: 20121207_190629.jpg]

[Image: 20121207_190637.jpg]

[Image: 20121207_190647.jpg]

For RSA ... ??? i don't know ... :/

And is it possible just unlock v2.12 to upgrade v1.12 ... the loader doen't want upgrade to v2.xx if original bios is v1.xx ... but hardware seems to be the same ... just the first systems are shipped with Windows 7 are to use the v1.xx BIOS, and the last systems are shipped with Windows 8 are to use the v2.xx UEFI ...

Thx !!

(Sorry for my poor english ... made in France !! lol !! )
I have Acer V3-771G. Can you modd my bios to advanced setting? Link to original BIOS from Acer site LINK

Sorry for my english - i don't expert on the language.
Thanks ! ! !
I've already upgraded my BIOS to the stock 1.12, just wondering if there is an unlock in the workds for it.

Model: Acer Aspire V3-771G
Bios Revision: 1.12
Bios Type : Insyde
Bios Link :

Could please somebody help us to downgrade back from UEFI V2.16 to Bios V1.12.
Error: use same type of Bios 2.xx
We had a 1.xx version first and used a modded file for upggrade to 2.12
But it doesnt work correctly for some (black screen, freeze when istall Win7 or 8.

So please help to go back to 1.xx again to solve it.
Than we afterwards could use the unlocked 1.12 from here.

Acer Aspire v3-771G
InsydeH20 V3.7
actual UEFI V2.16:, Ultrabook&Step2=Aspire&Step3=Aspire V3-771G&OS=701&LC=de&BC=Acer&SC=EMEA_2
wanted Bios V1.12:, Ultrabook&Step2=Aspire&Step3=Aspire V3-771G&OS=701&LC=de&BC=Acer&SC=EMEA_2

Thanks for helping!!!
You will make my son very happy when he could use his laptop again ...

Is there a chance for an unlocked UEFI Bios for Acer Aspire v3-771G?
Actually I got V2.16 from Acer, but cant install Win7 as it hangs on "Starting Windows". It seems to be a known problem possible caused by GT650m with Optimus as there are graphic errors at the moment it hangs. So I want to disable the 2nd graphic card in Bios while installing to get it running.

Acer Aspire v3-771G
InsydeH2O V3.7
UEFI V2.16:
VAGV216.fd is normal accassible in this download (zipped in .exe - not hidden)
Request: unlocking advanced settings (disable GT650m and other HW options)

Do you need something else I will try to do, please ask for everything else neccessary..

Thanks for helping!!!
(03-06-2013, 05:06 AM)Grisu65 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello!

Is there a chance for an unlocked UEFI Bios for Acer Aspire v3-771G?
Actually I got V2.16 from Acer, but cant install Win7 as it hangs on "Starting Windows". It seems to be a known problem possible caused by GT650m with Optimus as there are graphic errors at the moment it hangs. So I want to disable the 2nd graphic card in Bios while installing to get it running.

Acer Aspire v3-771G
InsydeH2O V3.7
UEFI V2.16:
VAGV216.fd is normal accassible in this download (zipped in .exe - not hidden)
Request: unlocking advanced settings (disable GT650m and other HW options)

Do you need something else I will try to do, please ask for everything else neccessary..

Thanks for helping!!!

I am also looking for this BIOS request. I have an Acer Aspire V3-771G-6485 with a NVIDIA GeForce GT 730M not sure if that makes a difference. Would like to have more options in the BIOS. I would also like to find out if this laptop can support RAID. The chip set is Intel HM77 and if I'm reading correctly should support RAID. Thank you in advance if you could find the time to mod BIOS.
me too
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