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Full Version: Laptop BIOS supports SATA3, but issues with certain Sandforce controllers.
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Hello. My laptop (Samsung NP-RF711-S01, HM65 chipset) has support for SATA3 as of the latest BIOS update from Samsung (version 17HX). However, it appears to not have proper support for the 2xxx series Sandforce controller, as many people have reported problems with other 2xxx drives in this model laptop.

My OCZ Solid3 drive is not recognized as a bootable drive, and will not show up in the BIOS when SATA3 is enabled. As a result, I cannot install an OS onto the drive in SATA3 mode (though SATA2 works fine). The drive works perfectly fine in other computers in SATA 3.

I have been in contact with OCZ and they also seem to think it's an issue with Samsung's BIOS.

Is this something that is "moddable"? Getting help from Samsung is impossible.
