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Full Version: [REQUEST] Pegatron A35 unlock
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Hello Smile
i have some troubles here Sad i have laptop on base of Pegatron A35 with AMI bios. i need both SLIC injection and unlocking advanced settings, but i even cant find progs that load this rom Sad
here is bios ripped with aflash3
I hope someone will help me Blush
Hi friends!
Can anyone help in editing and unlocked my bios?
My configuration is Ami Aptio 2.13.1216 (bios version: pegatron a35.
My research so far led me to this result:
1.found setup and transferred to txt - the main menu shows 6 items, which are only five when the BIOS is loaded, there are 
no Advance and Chipset items (the Advance item is visible when started bios and the Advanced(from a Setup.txt file) - 
different item)
2.also found the sequence 01 00 00 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 in the extracted amitse, , which was corrected by me (01 01 01 01 
01 01 00 00 00 00) and flashed.
This did not work. Can someone have a solution or thoughts on unlock the hidden settings and change the logo? I will be 
happy with any help or bios Huh
all tools for manipulation - standard for uefi bios AMI Aptio 4 + original util (FPT and MEUnlock)