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Full Version: AOpen Digital Engine DE-67HA
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Hi All,

Did something very stupid last night, I noticed a slightly updated version of my system and studied the motherboard with the new updated model so thought I would flash mine trying to turn the AOpen Digital Engine DE-67HA to the DE-67HAI using the later bios.

I tried to flash it using normal switches, however it complained about ID mismatch, so I forced a flash with afudos biosname.rom /P /B /N /X, yes I shouldn't have used X as my system will not boot Sad, I had that horrible sinking feeling when I had no video output on POST. This system does not have a PC speaker so unable to hear any error beeps.

It does power on but seems there is no way to recover it using typical AMI methods. I must have hit the boot block.

The Bios is AMI Aptio.

The flash chip is a MX25L6445EM2I-10G which I believe is 64mbit (8mb?)

I have a programmer here, it's a TL866A and I have a SOP8 200mile adaptor, the original BIOS is available from Aopen, but is 2.5mb, can someone please help me or point me in the right direction of how I can recover this using my programmer, I know it is a SLIC request section, but I cannot find another area that is suitable for this, I do actually want to add SLIC 2.1 or 2.2 to this BIOS, which I was about to request before I broke it.

Any help will be gratefully appreciated.

Offical ROM attached.