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Full Version: TEMP folder doesn't get used...
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Hey guys sorry for the probably dumb question. A few years ago, I did a successful mod using Phoenix Bios Editor, but unfortunately I kind of forgot how I did it. Now I'm trying to do it again and I'm stuck on what seems to be the dumbest spot to get stuck... I'm attempting to hex edit some of the files that get extracted tot he TEMP folder by Phoenix Bios Editor, but what's happening is my edits are being over-written when I click the "BUILD" button in Phoenix Bios Editor. I really... strongly... though this was how i did it a few years ago. But it's just not working this time. The file I'm editing is "ROMEXEC0.ROM". Any edits I make to that file, are instantly lost as soon as I click File->Build BIOS. I even tried to mark the file as "read only" to prevent Phoenix Bios Editor from over-writing the changes I made, and that just causes it to fail the build, with a popup error box saying it couldn't write to the file! Ugh. Is there something I'm doing wrong here? I'm using Phoenix Bios Editor Pro version

Also, one more question in case anyone drops by... If I do make a change to any of those extracted files, do I also need to recalculate any checksums myself, or does phoenix bios editor calculate ALL checksums automatically for me when I click "build" (including checksums for any edited files in the TEMP folder)? Cuz I don't remember manually calculating any checksums a few years ago when I did this, but it's possible I may have been using some kind of tool that was calculating checksums for me, which don't have now, I just can't remember.

Reason I ask this is... I tried making a change to the ROM file *PRIOR* to loading it into Phoenix Bios Editor. The change I made, was just to edit a single character of a string I was interested in. The bios of course was bricked (I tested it in a VM). But Phoenix Bios Editor had to trouble opening it, and seeing my edited string. Yet, when I clicked "BUILD", it built it with no errors, and yet... it was still bricked. That got me wondering whether or not Phoenix Bios Editor actually calculates the checksums for EVERYTHING. Cuz if it did, it shouldn't have still been bricked after loading it into Phoenix and clicking "build" and seeing no errors. So I'm a little worried that I may be missing some kind of important tool I might have had a few years ago to calculate the checksums, if Phoenix Bios Editor doesn't do it automatically. Any pointers will be greatly appreciated!

But just to clarify.. I *am* able to edit most anything inside of Phoenix Bios Editor itself, such as the strings in the "DMI" window, and build the Bios, and it runs perfectly. So I'm not completely useless here. I just can't edit that "ROMEXEC0.ROM" file that's sitting there in the TEMP folder, because of it over-writing my changes.