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Full Version: [REQUEST] TongFang PFxNU1x BIOS unlock
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Good evening everyone,

I have had this small laptop (also known as MechRevo S2 Air, Mechrevo CODE01, Tuxedo Pulse, Slimbook Pro X, Schenker Via 15 Pro…) for quite a while already and I just realized that something must be wrong with the RAM timings or something like that, because I also have another laptop from ASUS with the same R7-4800H CPU where its Vega 7 iGPU performance is over 20% faster or more using the same exact RAM modules easily.

I'd love to squeeze every single bit of performance that this little machine has to offer. So please, I need the help of someone skilled enough to fully unlock the BIOS of this laptop so I can play around with the settings.
I do have a CH341a with a SOIC8 clip and I’m pretty used to it if something goes wrong in the process.

I already did a minor mod and changed the boot splash image, otherwise this BIOS is the one that I’m using right now.