05-17-2014, 08:06 PM
I am creating this thread for all all of those who want a SAFE way to enable VT-x, AHCI, or various other options that do not show up in their Phoenix BIOSs. This method does NOT involve flashing the BIOS. Only the CMOS NVRAM is modified, so any changes made can always be reverted if necessary and will never result in the corruption of the BIOS. Please note that this is NOT a BIOS modding request thread. This is only for NVRAM Registers. 
NOTE: I am building upon a "master list" of NVRAM registers created by ScuderiaConchiglia (Gary) from notebookreview.com. All credit for the original creation of the list and >95% of the VT registers goes to him. He gathered users' submissions of working NVRAM registers for each notebook/BIOS and organized them into one list. My contributions include the AHCI/DEP registers, posting of the list here, and <5% of the VT registers.
The way that I find NVRAM registers involves the BIOS image itself. The image is decompressed using AndyP's PhoenixTool and then the TEMPLAT0.ROM and STRINGS0.ROM modules are inspected to identify the registers. This method works very well on new-style phoenix BIOS's.
So far, most of the list is occupied by Sony notebook models as it originally came from a thread about Sony Vaio models. I am going to divide this list into different sections for each manufacturer.
As for register compatibility, the BIOS version must be the same. The notebook model is irrelevant. All that matters is that you have the same BIOS version.
If you wish to contribute to this list, there are 2 ways of doing so:
1.) Upload/link your BIOS file (dump or official update) here so that I can download it and figure out the registers for VT-x and/or AHCI and/or DEP.
2.) Figure out the register on your own. There are 2 primary ways of doing this. The first involves trial-and-error with symcmos. The second way involves inspecting your own BIOS image. Please double check your work if you use this method.
I will be posting user-friendly tutorials on how to perform both methods of "register hunting."
EDIT: Here is the tutorial on tracing NVRAM Registers on your own.
If you have any questions, confusions, or needs for clarification, please post a reply on this thread or PM me.
My ability to add registers to this list depends entirely on user submissions of their BIOS images or their own findings.
INFO: DEP stands for "Data Execution Prevention." It also goes by names similar to "No Mem Protection" "Execute-Disable Bit" "No Mem Execute" etc...
DOS Commands for Reading/Writing to the CMOS NVRAM:
NOTE: Most of these registers were acquired from users' submissions. I cannot verify the accuracy of all of these (unless I have the image). If you find a mistake in the list, please tell me so that I can fix it. When telling me, an image of the BIOS would also be helpful.

NOTE: I am building upon a "master list" of NVRAM registers created by ScuderiaConchiglia (Gary) from notebookreview.com. All credit for the original creation of the list and >95% of the VT registers goes to him. He gathered users' submissions of working NVRAM registers for each notebook/BIOS and organized them into one list. My contributions include the AHCI/DEP registers, posting of the list here, and <5% of the VT registers.
The way that I find NVRAM registers involves the BIOS image itself. The image is decompressed using AndyP's PhoenixTool and then the TEMPLAT0.ROM and STRINGS0.ROM modules are inspected to identify the registers. This method works very well on new-style phoenix BIOS's.
So far, most of the list is occupied by Sony notebook models as it originally came from a thread about Sony Vaio models. I am going to divide this list into different sections for each manufacturer.
As for register compatibility, the BIOS version must be the same. The notebook model is irrelevant. All that matters is that you have the same BIOS version.
If you wish to contribute to this list, there are 2 ways of doing so:
1.) Upload/link your BIOS file (dump or official update) here so that I can download it and figure out the registers for VT-x and/or AHCI and/or DEP.
2.) Figure out the register on your own. There are 2 primary ways of doing this. The first involves trial-and-error with symcmos. The second way involves inspecting your own BIOS image. Please double check your work if you use this method.
I will be posting user-friendly tutorials on how to perform both methods of "register hunting."
EDIT: Here is the tutorial on tracing NVRAM Registers on your own.
If you have any questions, confusions, or needs for clarification, please post a reply on this thread or PM me.
My ability to add registers to this list depends entirely on user submissions of their BIOS images or their own findings.
INFO: DEP stands for "Data Execution Prevention." It also goes by names similar to "No Mem Protection" "Execute-Disable Bit" "No Mem Execute" etc...
Laptop Models:
========== ============ =========== ============= ============
AR Models:
VGN-AR21S R0200J6 reg 0195 [reg 00F6] |02F7|
VGN-AR31S R0200J6 reg 0195 [reg 00F6] |02F7|
VGN-AR31M R0200J6 reg 0195 [reg 00F6] |02F7|
VGN-AR71S R2090J8 reg 0285 [reg 0009] |028E|
VGN-AR71M R2090J8 reg 0285 [reg 0009] |028E|
VGN-AR870 R2090J8 reg 0285 [reg 0009] |028E|
VGN-AR61ZRU R2080J8 reg 0285 [reg 0009] |028E|
VGN-AR61ZU R2080J8 reg 0285 [reg 0009] |028E|
VGN-AR61M R2080J8 reg 0285 [reg 0009] |028E|
VGN-AR61E R2080J8 reg 0285 [reg 0009] |028E|
VGN-AR730E R2080J8 reg 0285 [reg 0009] |028E|
VGN-AR51SU R1050J8 reg 027F
VGN-AR670 R1050J8 reg 027F
VGN-AR690U R1050J8 reg 027F
VGN-AR250G R0150J6 reg 0195
VGN-AR550U R0030J8 reg 027F
VGN-AR630E ??? reg 027F
VGN-AR520E R0032J8 reg 0282 [reg 0009] |0288|
VGN-AR41L R0032J8 reg 0282 [reg 0009] |0288|
VGN-AR41E R0032J8 reg 0282 [reg 0009] |0288|
C Models:
VGN-C1Z R0035J4 reg 030C [reg 00FC] |030F|
VGN-C290N R0080J4 reg 0318 [reg 00FC] |031B|
VGN-C260E R0080J4 reg 0318 [reg 00FC] |031B|
CR Models:
VGN-CR240E R1121Q0 reg 05BB
VGN-CR290E R1121Q0 reg 05BB
VGN-CR231E R1121Q0 reg 05BB
VGN-CR29XN R1121Q0 reg 05BB
VGN-CR220E R1121Q0 reg 05BB
VGN-CR220E R1100Q0 reg 05BB
VGN-CR353 R2101Q0 reg 05BB
VGN-CR320E R2101Q0 reg 05BB
VGN-CR354 R2101Q0 reg 05BB
VGN-CR590E R2101Q0 reg 05BB
VGN-CR520D ??????? reg 05BB
VGN-CR520E ??????? reg 05BB
VGN-CR11SH R0220Q0 reg 05B2
VGN-CR120E R0220Q0 reg 05B2
VGN-CR19XN/B R0220Q0 reg 05B2
VGN-CR13G R0231Q1 reg 05B2
SZ Models:
VGN-SZ?? R0112N0 reg 0354 [reg 015C] |0357|
VGN-SZ1M/B R0112N0 reg 0354 [reg 015C] |0357|
VGN-SZ460N R0112N0 reg 0354 [reg 015C] |0357|
VGN-SZ71WN R0121S5 reg 02F1
VGN-SZ79GN R0122S5 reg 02F1 [reg 0189] |02FA|
VGN-SZ61XN_C R0122S5 reg 02F1 [reg 0189] |02FA|
VGN-SZ61WNC R0122S5 reg 02F1 [reg 0189] |02FA|
VGN-SZ730E/C R0122S5 reg 02F1 [reg 0189] |02FA|
VGN-SZ95US R0122S5 reg 02F1 [reg 0189] |02FA|
VGN-SZ??? R0101S5 reg 02F1
VGN-SZ1XP R0096N0 reg 0399 [reg 0165] |039C|
VGN-SZ360 R0096N0 reg 0399 [reg 0165] |039C|
VGN-SZ370 R0096N0 reg 0399 [reg 0165] |039C|
VGN-SZ3XP R0096N0 reg 0399 [reg 0165] |039C|
VGN-SZ120P R0092N0 reg 0399
FE Models
VGN-FE890 R0200J3 reg 0195 [reg 00F6] |02F7|
VGN-FE21SR R0200J3 reg 0195 [reg 00F6] |02F7|
VGN-FE31M R0200J3 reg 0195 [reg 00F6] |02F7|
VGN-FE550G R0072J3 reg 0195
VGN-FE41E R0200J3 reg 0195 [reg 00F6] |02F7| (Note: User upgraded CPU from T5500 to T7600 and BIOS to R0200J3)
VGN-FE780G R0200J3 reg 0195 [reg 00F6] |02F7| (Note: User upgraded BIOS to R0200J3)
FZ Models:
VGN-FZ240E R1120J7 reg 02CD
TZ Models:
VGN-TZ130N R0052N7 reg 0363 [reg 0159] |0366|
VGN-TZ180N R0052N7 reg 0363 [reg 0159] |0366|
VGN-TZ17GN R0052N7 reg 0363 [reg 0159] |0366|
VGN-TZ91HS R0052N7 reg 0363 [reg 0159] |0366|
VGN-TZ21MN_N R0052N7 reg 0363 [reg 0159] |0366|
VGN-TZ20WN R0052N7 reg 0363 [reg 0159] |0366|
VGN-TZ27GN R0071N7 reg 0363
VGN-TZ92NS R0081N7 reg 0363
VGN-TZ37 R0081N7 reg 0363
VGN-TZ31MN R0091N7 reg 0363
FZ Models:
VGN-FZ180E R0050J7 reg 02D3 [reg 0009]
VGN-FZ190E R0050J7 reg 02D3 [reg 0009]
VGN-FZ11ZR R0050J7 reg 02D3 [reg 0009]
VGN-FZ160E R0050J7 reg 02D3 [reg 0009]
VGN-FZ130E R0040J7 reg 02D3
VGN-FZ140E R0040J7 reg 02D3
VGN-FZ150E R0040J7 reg 02D3
VGN-FZ31M R2110J7 reg 02D0
VGN-FZ31Z R2110J7 reg 02D0
VGN-FZ340E R2110J7 reg 02D0
VGN-FZ470E R2110J7 reg 02D0
VGN-FZ490N R2110J7 reg 02D0
VGN-FZ35GN R2110J7 reg 02D0
VGN-FZ38M R2110J7 reg 02D0
VGN-FZ39VN R2110J7 reg 02D0
VGN-FZ480 R2110J7 reg 02D0
VGN-FZ35M R2110J7 reg 02D0
VGN FZ345D R2110J7 reg 02D0
VGN FZ31S R2110J7 reg 02D0
VGN-FZ350AE R2110J7 reg 02D0
VGN-FZ21M R1120J7 reg 02CD [reg 0009] |reg 02D3|
VGN-FZ290 R1120J7 reg 02CD [reg 0009] |reg 02D3|
VGN-FZ21Z R1120J7 reg 02CD [reg 0009] |reg 02D3|
VGN-FZ21E R1120J7 reg 02CD [reg 0009] |reg 02D3|
VGN-FZ290E R1120J7 reg 02CD [reg 0009] |reg 02D3|
VGN-FZ280E R1120J7 reg 02CD [reg 0009] |reg 02D3|
VGN-FZ91NS R1120J7 reg 02CD [reg 0009] |reg 02D3|
VGN-FZ230E R1120J7 reg 02CD [reg 0009] |reg 02D3|
VGN-FZ285U R1120J7 reg 02CD [reg 0009] |reg 02D3|
VGN-FZ260E R1120J7 reg 02CD [reg 0009] |reg 02D3|
G Models:
VGN-G11XRN/B R0062N5 reg 0360 [reg 015C] |reg 0363|
N Models:
VGN-N31Z/W R0100J4 reg 0318
VGN-N250E R0030J4 reg 030C [reg 00FC] |reg 030F| (NOTE: User upgraded CPU from Intel T2250 to Intel T2700 for VT-x)
VGN-N250E R0070J4 reg 0318 [reg 00FC] |reg 031B| (NOTE: User upgraded CPU from Intel T2250 to Intel T2700 for VT-x)
NR Models:
VGN-NR11Z/S R0131J9 reg 02D0 [reg 0009] |02D6|
VGN-NR11Z R0130J9 reg 02D0
VGN-NR110E R0131J9 reg 02D0 [reg 0009] |02D6|
VGN-NR115E R0131J9 reg 02D0 [reg 0009] |02D6|
VGN-NR120E R0131J9 reg 02D0 [reg 0009] |02D6|
VGN-NR123E R0131J9 reg 02D0 [reg 0009] |02D6|
VGN-NR140E R0131J9 reg 02D0 [reg 0009] |02D6|
VGN-NR160E R0131J9 reg 02D0 [reg 0009] |02D6|
VGN-NR160N R0131J9 reg 02D0 [reg 0009] |02D6|
VGN-NR180E R0131J9 reg 02D0 [reg 0009] |02D6|
VGN-NR180N R0131J9 reg 02D0 [reg 0009] |02D6|
VGN-NR185E R0131J9 reg 02D0 [reg 0009] |02D6|
UX Models:
VGN-UX390N R0112N2 reg 034E [reg 015C] |0351|
Desktop Models:
========== ============ ========
VGC-LA2 R0102W2 reg 0198
VGX-TP1E R1060W3 reg 02C4
VGC-LM1ER R0250W5 reg 02E8
========== ============ =========== ============= ============
4720z Z013810 reg 035A |reg 0360|
4320z Z013810 reg 035A |reg 0360|
4320g Z013810 reg 035A |reg 0360|
============= ============ =========== ============= ============
Satellite Models:
M110-ST1161 PL10190 reg 0276 |0279|
M115-S3094 PL10190 reg 0276 |0279|
M115-S3104 PL10190 reg 0276 |0279|
M115-S3144 PL10190 reg 0276 |0279|
M115-S3154 PL10190 reg 0276 |0279|
M115-SP3021 PL10190 reg 0276 |0279|
A100-784 PSAANE S10GM600 reg 0297 |029A|
A100-784 PSAANE S10PM600 reg 0297 |029A|
A110 (PSAB6E) TW2E170A reg 05FA |0144|
Other Models:
P300-133 BL5S3D57 reg 0237 [reg 058E] |023D|
======== ============ =========== ============= ============
DV9000 30CFF34A reg 020A
DV9000 30CFF34B reg 0219
============ =========== ============= ============
R0170J3 reg 0195 [reg 00F6] |02F1|
DOS Commands for Reading/Writing to the CMOS NVRAM:
symcmos -v2 -LDefault.txt
symcmos -v2 -UModified.txt
NOTE: Most of these registers were acquired from users' submissions. I cannot verify the accuracy of all of these (unless I have the image). If you find a mistake in the list, please tell me so that I can fix it. When telling me, an image of the BIOS would also be helpful.