Alright, we will try to figure this out!

The attached pictures are great.
Here's the CH341A package I ordered:
The clip works great for some people and not very well for others (I am one of the latter). It is sort of cheaply made. If you have problems with it, you may need to order the Pomona 5250 clip. It gets a really good grip on the BIOS chip. You probably won't need this though. Here is the one I ordered:
If you additionally order the Pomona 5250, you will also need to either solder the cables from the old clip to the new one or you will need to order 8 female-to-female jumper cables. I recommend a wire length of at least 40 cm for good reach.
The Latitude notebook seems to implement Intel BootGuard technology, which - when properly implemented* - makes it impossible to change a single byte where it is implemented in the BIOS image without creating a brick. If my understanding is correct, BootGuard involves the burning of public key hash into a once-programmable region of either the CPU or the chipset. The public key hash is used to verify that the public key stored in the BIOS image is correct. The public key in the BIOS image is used to verify that the BIOS image on the BIOS chip was created by the manufacturer and not modified from creation to flashing. The BIOS Setup Utility part of the BIOS image (the part used to make edits to the menus and settings) is part of the protected area of the image.
Without Dell's private key, we cannot modify a BIOS image that properly implements* BootGuard without creating a brick. This doesn't stop us from modifying the hidden settings via RU.EFI though! I can post more information on this later on. Basically though, I will provide you with a file that contains a list of hidden and visible settings, as well as what they can be set to, and then you can tell me which ones you want to edit. I can then tell you which variables to edit with RU.EFI.
*To test if BootGuard is implemented properly, please see BDMaster's posts (#7 and #9) in this thread: Please post the meinfo results here.
Starting today, I will be very busy over the course of the next 9 days, so I will have limited time to work on BIOS mods. I will keep you updated throughout the modification process.
!!!!!PLEASE READ!!!!!! Our Ukrainian friends are undergoing atrocities right now and need support. There are two things you can do for starters:
1.) Donate to one of various organizations offering medical, military, and psychological support to those impacted:
Support Organizations
2.) Combat misinformation on social media.
Also, please feel free to PM me if I have not replied again about your BIOS mod request after 5 days.